SDN x Cloud Native Meetup #33
- 時間: Monday, October 26, 2020 at 7:30 PM to Monday, October 26, 2020 at 10:30 PM GMT+8
- 地點: 線上
流程 / Agenda
19:20 - 19:30 報到
19:30 - 19:40 開場
19:40 - 20:20 Talk 1: 從 Cilium 認識 cgroup ebpf - Ruian
20:20 - 20:40 休息 / 交流
20:40 - 21:20 Talk 2: Consuming efficiently messaging queues with Kubernetes: Horizontal Pod Autoscaling pitfalls, pods lifecycle, and the danger of default options - Eric
21:20 - 21:30: 休息 / 交流 / 結束
議程 / Sessions
Talk 1: 從 Cilium 認識 cgroup ebpf
帶大家從 Cilium 原始碼看看 cgroup ebpf 可以做到什麼事情
Speaker: Ruian
Title: Dcard - Backend Engineer
從大學時期開始算,已有 8 年實際後端開發經驗
近三年主要使用 Golang,現職 Dcard 後端工程師
對 PostgreSQL 也有點了解,爾偶會寫點技術文章在:
Talk 2: Consuming efficiently messaging queues with Kubernetes: Horizontal Pod Autoscaling pitfalls, pods lifecycle, and the danger of default options
Speaker: Eric Khun
Title: Buffer - Senior Infrastructure Engineer
I'm Eric, a senior infrastructure engineer at Buffer. I work most of those days on making sure all our products are fast, reliable, and efficient for our users. I also like building side-projects that helps communities -