SDN x Cloud Native Meetup - Webinar 海外篇 #7
- 時間: Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 6:00 AM to Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 8:00 AM CST
- 地點: 線上
流程 / Agenda
19:50 - 20:00 加入會議
20:00 - 22:00 分享與討論
議程 / Sessions
本次 Meetup 內容會包含但是不限於
- Jenkins 基本概念介紹
- 跨企業共用 Jenkins 常見困擾
- Jenkins Job Builder (JJB) 介紹
- Packer 介紹
- Linux Foundation Global JJB 專案介紹
- Demo
- 影片:
Speaker: HungWei Chiu(邱宏瑋)
HungWei is a co-founder of SDNDS-TW and CNTUG, two local communities in Taiwan. SDNDS-TW specializes in SDN and networking topics, while CNTUG focuses on Cloud Native approa
個人粉絲頁 Microsoft MVP for Cloud and Datacenter Management, (2019-current) 平常撰寫相關技術文章於, 線上課程: